Wednesday, January 14, 2009

my iPhone has a glitch

Read this thread, but a few excerpts:
Original Post:
Please help! I took my husband's i-phone and found a raunchy picture of him attached to an e-mail to a woman in his sent e-mail file (a Yahoo account). When I approached him about this (I think that he is cheating on me) he admitted that he took the picture but says that he never sent it to anyone. He claims that he went to the Genius Bar at the local Apple store and they told him that it is an i-phone glitch: that photos sometimes automatically attach themselves to an e-mail address and appear in the sent folder, even though no e-mail was ever sent. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? The future of my marriage depends on this answer!

- Its a glitch, but only happens if the pic is sufficiently raunchy.
- The iPhone does not have this bug. Ditch the creep.
- as a former mac genius myself, my professional opinion is that YOUR HUSBAND IS HAVING AN AFFAIR.
the iPhone doesn't do that. period! he's totally having you on.

finally - I think your marriage has a glitch

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