Thursday, August 14, 2008

Captcha for phonics

So as I sit in 5'oclock traffic. I listen to the NPR station and do it as a cool down for my day. Generally I hear things slightly interesting (when it does not have to do with war, gas, and bitches) such as digitize texts

So basically you use a captcha system to authenticate you are not a computer. Well what happens is there is a pretty big effort to digitize/ocr/get shit on a computer from news papers/texts/yayda/another-slash-word. Well some genius or guy who smokes pot, came up with an idea that using text that can not be ocr as your captcha. I am like holy shit, what a great idea. Looks like the dot of slash picks it up a few hours later, so its post worthy. linkola.

Problems: 1. The do it in word combos meaning two words randomly selected and put together so you get unusual phrases such as 'pink leg' or my favorite 'hot log' you get the idea.

2. Some words people can not understand either.

People spend about 50 million hours a (unit of time) doing captchas, i am curious where else you could do applied cognition. Post comments if you got idea (ie your health gym is a power plant, no thx neo).

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