Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Labor day

A labor day gift for my reading audience

Friday, August 29, 2008


So they do some cool shit sometimes, but this is pretty awesome.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lunch Coupon

<----One free lunch coupon---->

Free lunch coupon is a trademark of jewish star enterprises, such that specify mutually-agreed and privately-arranged terms and conditions as part of a contract; or may specify warnings or expectations to the general public (or some other class of persons) in order to fulfill a duty of care owed to prevent unreasonable risk of harm or injury. Can not be used at any locations with these words or letter combinations in the title hence forth but is not limited to: hoovers, fogo, de, chao, raoring, donalds, bennigans, king. This is not valid with any other coupons such as 50c coupons, free sodas, beer for computer work campaign of 2007. Not valid in the following states: Nevada and South Dakota. Not safe with animals, not tested on rabbits, maybe some chickens. Please be advised this coupons has no cash value and can not be redeemed for much more than two chicken sandwiches. Patent pending #45681337.289A-Rev C. 2008 JBW


Can you find whats wrong with this website:

Monday, August 25, 2008

Defcon Material

Since I was busy rollerblading during defcon. I found the material via the defcon website for me to catchup on

Thursday, August 21, 2008

bling bling

Because my previous photos are too illicit.

check out the bling bling


So I realize that I sleep better and can get up on time when I have caffine the night before.... As most computer workers do their server updates, reboots, and so on at night generally I take on a 44oz soda during those times to help fuel my go time. Well I have been low on the caffine intake and having trouble waking in the mornings.

Well last night I got a soda, and this morning up on time, 6:30am shower and out the door by 7:15. Seems odd to me, but I guess I do need it just to be normal seems strange.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Rolling 266 fat ass josh. Here is a pick for my out of town folks.

Fat Hair

Due to me growing my hair out. I have am going to add something to my home page.

Frizz Index

times they are a changing

I hate to read articles like this, but another depressing note:

Arrested for protesting because important people are around, sounds like china

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

hot ass chicks man

People (you know who you are) say that motorcycles bring out the hot chics. Check out the hot gut laying over the tank on this one.

Had to post it.

M$ no longer hates VM as much

New licensing rules from M$ lets you transfer your servers between hardare (vmotion xenmotion) legitly! Not like any of us cared.

Brian Madden(my current citrix reading website) has an article about it for your read.

<3 linkola

fantasy football

So i think we can start a fantasy league. I want you to
all stop being f* and lets play some real fantasy football.

However I have never played nor know where to start.

so if your not rollerblading this season, and think that jet farve is
going to die before end of the season, lets get it started.

If you want to play email me or post a comment.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

More Proof

I always thought that this guy's title was accurate, but now its sealed:


Friday, August 15, 2008

Internet Video Timeline

Want to waste a bunch of time? here is a timeline of internet phenonmenon... With zoom options, dont forget to zoom or you will be just another idiot.


CD for the Olympics

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Bears on a Submarine

Yes sir I said, and I will say it again. there are bears on this effin submarine.linkola

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Captcha for phonics

So as I sit in 5'oclock traffic. I listen to the NPR station and do it as a cool down for my day. Generally I hear things slightly interesting (when it does not have to do with war, gas, and bitches) such as digitize texts

So basically you use a captcha system to authenticate you are not a computer. Well what happens is there is a pretty big effort to digitize/ocr/get shit on a computer from news papers/texts/yayda/another-slash-word. Well some genius or guy who smokes pot, came up with an idea that using text that can not be ocr as your captcha. I am like holy shit, what a great idea. Looks like the dot of slash picks it up a few hours later, so its post worthy. linkola.

Problems: 1. The do it in word combos meaning two words randomly selected and put together so you get unusual phrases such as 'pink leg' or my favorite 'hot log' you get the idea.

2. Some words people can not understand either.

People spend about 50 million hours a (unit of time) doing captchas, i am curious where else you could do applied cognition. Post comments if you got idea (ie your health gym is a power plant, no thx neo).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So I found this page regarding the watchmen, kinda neat. I would like to read watchmen before the movie comes out. Linkola

basically it shows the drawing then the movie depiction.

Yes pf, please bring the book to work so I can read it.

Wiring diagram

Found this german/russian/(language that i dont know) site that seems to have wiring diagrams for some fairly resonably motorcycle models.

My brother just gave me this GS450 that was in a field for a year. I can not really tell why it will not light up, but I am getting the idea that is screwed.

I am trying to track down the problem via the wiring. Which i have no idea how to do and expect absolutley no success but its better than sitting inside all day.



Who needs irony when you got cookies!

-famous person

Monday, August 11, 2008

long night

just a note, for cb

Never going to give you up.

When someone sends you an email about rick roll you generally say delete that shit or you play it, because you love the song so much cuz you listen to it while rollerblading. This my friend takes it to the next level.

iPhone SMTP

so you do not have to search the internet, the smtp server for your iPhone is:

that is all.

Phrase that pays

So during a discussion with my associate, he says to me...
" then I realize there are pieces of metal in the scab "

and he continues on in his conversation about china loving led and so on. I then realize that off all the years in my life, I have never heard those words arranged in that manner.

Is odd to say that normal conversation would bring up something so plain, but be so foreign. Twitter is the devil.

Bernie Mack

In the light of bernie mack dieing. I am deeply sadden. One of the comics that I enjoyed and relished listening too. I am pretty sure that I have not heard all of his standup and seem to think that I was just going to get another 20 years of bernie was a mistake on my part. His style and ability to put things into an ....

I miss him, wasted time.
(other black folk miss him)

Saturday, August 9, 2008


So I remember why I did not like blogs, myspace, facebook and so on.

Does anyone remember geocities? Horrible websites by people who thought they needed a website. I guess I am the only one that caught the first small wave of this.

Now be it that no one had a friend link or a little square to put over someone's face, but irc was there for all that. (not #3x either).

I have decided to put the picture logo for this blog as the old geocities logo that i found. I hope everyone can enjoy it and remember really bad webpages as they look at another one.

Friday, August 8, 2008

1st pitch

Boot Liquor

This may be the greatest playlist/internet radio/kick ass radio on the internet.

after listening to countless hours on sumafm, this one takes the cake Please enjoy this:

Boot Liquor

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

old age i guess

i read dan's article on the dns stuff, i go to the defcon website and see the events that are coming. I see emails from friends, things I have missed. My birthday is a day passed but a mark that I am losing some free will.

I hate the idea that i can not do what I want, and things have to be approved. I am curious if i am upset because I feel the tick of age go by or just the situation of my life. Why am i so complacent but do not want to do anything about my situation.

i miss you cd, and sorry i will miss your bd.

How to break a computer

I have just had a confirmed report by the data of the core that this will break your computer

28gb of temp files

please be advised:


I not saying I would vote for her, but it is a pretty nice lash back.

Paris Hilton has sex with john mccain

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008


Went to the gym last night, 17 laps. Good start new cheapo goggles workign better since i realized i need to jab them into my eyes first to seal out the water

gym weight 256 - still a fatty


So I am telling someone about my musical choices and i tell them all i listen to is internet raido, and i really have no desire to download music. I just need sound as a back ground noise.

They then inform me that means I am complacent. Maybe the fact that I do not care about my current music, or music in general has some reflection of my personal life.

The funny thing is I did not disagree. Kinda made sense, but then she start playing music with a didgredoo and realized i had nothing to worry about.

8bit people rock the outhouse