Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election Prediction

Its easy for me to see who will win the election, this is a solid way for last 30 years.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Rap for your tech support woes

Yep! Can answer your question … and it goes a little something like this. …

*queue up the beat*

Yo my name is ben and I’m hear to say

Dell GX620s glitch in a funky way

Each motherboard has a battery

That dies prematurely, as you can see

It’s a CR twenty thirty two

It tells correct time, for the computer and you

But when hooked up to a Domain Controlla’

Yo’ computa don’t need it

Cuz’ yo computa’z a soldier

A soldier in an enterprise domain

Don’t need that system battery – in any way or shape

So yeah our system batteries are a bit defective

But no need to call any cops or undercover detectives

That battery ain’t really doin’ any real good

When it comes to our judges, keepin gangs out da’ hood

So I know its a glitch; bit of a problem for rebootin’ & usin’

But it does no harm, aside from causin’ confusion

So Just remember whenever ya see the Strike F-one or F-two

Strike F1 to boot, and you’ll be on the net cruisin’


copyright ben g. 2008 - copy this and die.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

OWA on Exchange 2007 kinda powerful

So I am extending my 'show this many items option' on my exchange 2007 owa, look what I find under 'Mobile Devices'

You can wipe your data from your device with OWA, sounds dangerous. I wonder if i was scripting whore how many pda's I could wipe with some well written code.

Ghetto spongebob found in New Orleans

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yo Mama - Election Style

# Yo mama so fat, she authorized a $700 billion bailout of Dairy Queen.

# yo mama so fat, she thinks the G8 is a Value Meal.

# Yo mama so fat, her other biography is called "The Audacity of Hardee's.

# Yo mama so fat, the only Supreme Court verdict she wants to overturn is HomeTown Buffet v. Yo Mama.

# Yo mama so fat, she thinks sub-prime is a steak cut.

# Yo mama so fat, McCain refers to her as "Those Ones."

# Your mama so fat, when they asked which menus she reads, she said "You know, all of 'em."

# Yo mama's so ugly, Obama said "You can put lipstick on a pig and it would look a lot like yo mama on dollar margarita night."

# you moms so fat ACORN registered her to vote *three* times.

# Yo moms so fat Russia can see her from *their* house.

# Yo mama such a ho, the tab for the federal bailout plan is "700 billion dollars, plus fifty cents to have sex with yo mama."

# your mama so stupid she tried to arrange the genres on her iPod to put Country First.

# yo mama so fat McCain gives patronizing air quotes when he talks about the "health of yo mama"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Stranger!

Story is pretty awesome, but this time he did not have to sit on his hand to get that special feeling.


up up down down left right obama obama start select

So obama just entered your video games.

Quote from article ""The McCain campaign will respond by buying ads at Pong consoles nationwide," joked one on the car blog Jalopnik."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Porn Stars dont look this good

Honestly the sexiest I have seen one of my friends in a long time. I all I can say is if you meet him in person, dont look him in the eyes...

Friday, October 3, 2008

best poker hand ever!

I actually hit one of these, pretty awesome

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well it seems that i do not have the biggest bandwidth epeen.

It seems that the highest HOME account is here:

Then the largest BUSINESS Speed is here.

Crat or Can?

I am tryint to figure out what this makes me if I wear this shirt: